Over the past few years, developments in advanced imaging and machine learning technologies have led to advances in biomedical diagnostic and treatment. This course will be conducted under Accelerate Vigyan scheme intended towards SERB- “Abhyaas” mission to understand about the advanced instrumentation techniques used in molecular medicine including flow cytometry and various molecular diagnostic techniques for young and passionate researchers. This workshop provides the platform to get the hands-on training on instruments. The modern techniques and challenges will be focused in the training module to provide the advanced technical skill within the field of advanced materials characterization and molecular medicine. Moreover, this unique workshop introduces fundamental aspects of molecular biology, immunophenotyping, proteomics and molecular medicine to wide ranging postgraduates and PhD scholars in life sciences, molecular medicine, pharmacy, regenerative medicine, medicine, dentistry etc.
For more details CONTACT:
Green Lab Material Research Centre, SDC&H, Chennai
Call us @ 044 2680 2274
Mail address: greenlab.sdc@saveetha.com